Developer Notes

Python environments

You can create Anaconda environments using

conda env create -f test/SparseSC_36.yml

You can can do update rather than create to update existing ones (to avoid potential bugs make sure the env isn't currently active).

Note: When regenerating these files (conda env export > test/SparseSC_*.yml) make sure to remove the final prefix line since that's computer specific. You can do this automatically on Linux by inserting | grep -v "prefix" and on Windows by inserting | findstr -v "prefix".

Building the docs

Requires Python >=3.6 and packages: sphinx, recommonmark, sphinx-markdown-tables. Use (n)make htmldocs and an index HTML file is madeat docs/build/html/index.html.

To build a mini-RTD environment to test building docs:

  1. You can make a new environment with Python 3.7 (conda create -n SparseSC_37_rtd python=3.7)
  2. update pip (likely fine).
  3. pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir -r docs/rtd-base.txt . This file is loosely kept in sync by looking at the install commands on the rtd run.
  4. pip install --exists-action=w --no-cache-dir -r docs/rtd-requirements.txt . This file doesn't list the full environment versions because that causes headaches when the rtd base environment got updated. It downgrades Sphinx to a known good version that allows markdown files to have math in code quotes (GH Issues) (there might be higher ones that also work, didn't try).

Running examples

The Jupyter notebooks require matplotlib, jupyter, and notebook.


We use the built-in unittest. Can run from makefile using the tests target or you can run python directly from the repo root using the following types of commands:

python -m unittest test/ #file (only Python >=3.5)
python -m unittest test.test_fit #module
python -m unittest test.test_fit.TestFit #class
python -m unittest test.test_fit.TestFit.test_retrospective #function

Release Process

  • Ensure the makefile target check (which does pylint, tests, doc building, and packaging) runs clean
  • If new version, check that it's been updated in SparseSC/src/
  • Updated
  • Tag/Release in version control