Developer Notes

Python environments

You can create Anaconda environments using

conda env create -f test/SparseSC_27.yml
conda env create -f test/SparseSC_35.yml
conda env create -f test/SparseSC_36.yml

You can can do update rather than create to update existing ones (to avoid potential bugs make sure the env isn't currently active).

Note: When regenerating these files (conda env export > test/SparseSC_*.yml) make sure to remove the final prefix line since that's computer specific.

Building the docs

Requires Python >=3.6 and packages: sphinx, recommonmark, sphinx-markdown-tables. Index HTML file is at docs/build/html/index.html. There are some errors from our setup that aren't present in RTD (they use Python 3.7 and a pip environment with the latest packages).

Running examples

The Jupyter notebooks require matplotlib, jupyter, and notebook.


We use the built-in unittest. Can run from makefile using the tests target or you can run python directly from the repo root using the following types of commands:

python -m unittest test/ #file (only Python >=3.5)
python -m unittest test.test_fit #module
python -m unittest test.test_fit.TestFit #class
python -m unittest test.test_fit.TestFit.test_retrospective #function

Release Process

  • Ensure the makefile target check (which does pylint, tests, doc building, and packaging) runs clean
  • If new version, check that it's been updated in SparseSC/src/
  • Updated
  • Tag/Release in version control